Got that Friday The 13th Feeling?

fingers crossedFriday The 13th … considered by many to be an unlucky day – and for those who believe this, it may well be a day filled with dread and gloom. Today is the second Friday The 13th of 2015, the first was in February and the final one falls in November!

Fear of the number 13 is known as triskadekaphobia. People who are superstitious or who feel that factors outside of their control influence them are more likely to relate to this phobia. If you are one of those people you may find yourself waiting for something bad to happen, expecting something to go wrong. However for people like me and my clients who know that they create their own ‘luck’ the day will not affect them in a negative way whatsoever.

For some people their fear is so strong that many avoid everyday routines such as going to work, driving or flying. In fact some refuse to leave their house or don’t actually get out of their bed on this fateful day!

Approximately 21 million people in the USA are affected by a fear of Friday The 13th according to findings from the Stress Management and Phobia Institute in North Carolina. It’s believed that up to 900 million dollars’ worth of business is lost on this day

The Friday The 13th superstition is quite a ‘new’ belief as before the 19th century it was little heard of. So yet another unhelpful belief created by man.  In some European countries Tuesday 17th is considered unlucky and for example in Italy Friday the 17th and not the 13th, is deemed to be a day of bad luck. So does this mean that this so called ‘unlucky day’ floats around the globe deciding what country to visit?

So ask yourself –
 😕 Are you going to allow a number to affect your entire day?
😕 What purpose does this fear serve you?
 😕 How does it make you feel?
 😕 Do you feel in control of your life and what happens to you?

Anything that doesn’t benefit you or enhance your life is not worth having! And you don’t have to have this or any other limiting belief.

Remember we always get what we focus on so if you focus on today being a day of bad luck then that’s what you are likely to get! Just like me and my clients you can focus on this being yet another great day – and that is exactly what you will create!

If you would like to know more about limiting beliefs or how to rid yourself of a fear or phobia give me a call on 07765 182127 or email me

Have a Fabulous Friday the 13th

To Your Success

Anxiety & Addictions Specialist


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