Happy New Year

happy new yearWelcome to 2015 – It’s a new year, a new day, a chance to start anew! A time when we make resolutions, often ones which may be unrealistic so remember to make your goals realistic & measurable.

It’s a time when we all promise to eat healthy foods and lose the excesses of Christmas and New Year! Remember when making resolutions to keep them realistic and measureable. This will make it easy for you to achieve your goals so that your new habits become a way of life – not just for a few days or weeks!

Some Simple Tips to help …

  • Make your weight loss target specific ie rather than say ‘I’m going to lose weight as my new year resolution’ specify the amount ie I will lose 2 stone
  • Make it time bound ie I will lose 2 stone by Easter
  • Make it achieveable ie I will lose 2 stone by focussing on a 2lbs per week weight loss
  • Make it realistic ie I will lose 2 stone by Easter by eating 500 calories less every day and by burning off another 500 calories each day. I will do this by cutting out the chocolate, eating slowly and consciously and walking/running/cycling for 30 minutes 5 days per week

Remember – Be kind to yourself and make your goal sustainable ie 2lbs per week may not sound alot to someone who has developed a ‘diet mentality’ but it adds up to over 7 stone in a year! Expecting unrealistic achievements only to berate yourself on not reaching your high expectations can lead to poor self esteem and a sense of worthlessness.

For specific tips, advice and techniques book your place on a 2 hour Weight Loss Workshop

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